Stop Being Jealous to Save Your Relationship

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last Leave a Comment

It’s been said that it’s not love that’s blind, but jealousy. When left unbridled, jealousy is an incredibly destructive emotion. But if you give jealousy vision, you can use it as an insightful tool to determine the quality of your …

5 Mistakes Men MAke in Online Profiles

5 Mistakes Men Make in Online Profiles

DonnaBarnes For Men, Apps Leave a Comment

Many of my clients come to me because they’re frustrated with online dating and they’re tired of being single. They know they’re doing something wrong they’re just not sure what. I very much enjoy helping men and women find the …

Are You Being Sexy or Creepy?

Are You Being Sexy or Creepy?

DonnaBarnes For Men 1 Comment

If your intention is to have sex with your date at the end of the night your actions will most likely prevent you from getting anything. Do you know if you’re being sexy or creepy? When a man allows his …

spice up your relationship

How To Spice Up Your Relationship with Games

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last 1 Comment

The best part of starting a new relationship is the chase and the seduction of discovering each other for the first time. Exploring the unknown is exciting. That’s the reason a lot of people cheat, however, cheating destroys most relationships. …

Are You Edgy or Just Rude?

DonnaBarnes For Men Leave a Comment

Do you have an A-type personality that tends to take charge and sometimes be impatient? If so, you may be coming off as rude and turning off your date. Confidence is very attractive but it becomes control if you don’t give …

How to Increase Emotional Intimacy

How to Increase Emotional Intimacy

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last 10 Comments

So what is emotional intimacy? Real intimacy takes time to establish. It involves trust and mutually feeling safe to be vulnerable, allowing healthy self-disclosure without fearing being betrayed or misunderstood. It involves respect, tolerance, and always sharing how you feel—no …

How to Be a Better Listener

How to Be a Better Listener

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last Leave a Comment

One of the most frustrating things to come up against in a discussion or disagreement is someone who frequently interrupts. Isn’t it annoying when you can’t finish speaking your thoughts, let alone complete a full sentence? It’s called conversation hijacking. It …