If You Escape Your Relationship You're Going To Lose It

If You Escape Your Relationship You’re Going To Lose It

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Do you avoid intimacy or spending time with your significant other? Do you need a lot of space? If so, you’re pushing him or her away. I need to warn you, if you escape your relationship you’re going to lose …

Don't Manifest Your Relationship Fears

Don’t Manifest Your Relationship Fears

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“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” Franklin D. Roosevelt Fear of abandonment, fear of intimacy, fear of commitment, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and even fear of success — fear destroys relationships. You have …

Your Emotional Wall Keeps You Alone

Your Emotional Wall Keeps You Alone

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Being emotionally open in a relationship is very scary for people who are uncomfortable with feeling vulnerable. Putting up an emotional wall to hide behind feels safe. After all, it is much easier to get angry than to share what you’re truly feeling. But …

8 Signs Your Relationship is Too Hard

8 Signs Your Relationship is Too Hard

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Did you think you possibly found the love of your life but you’re not feeling happy? Are you frequently frustrated, confused, angry, or sad? Do you feel like you’re bending over backward and jumping through hoops to be there for your …