How to Increase Emotional Intimacy

How to Increase Emotional Intimacy

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last 10 Comments

So what is emotional intimacy? Real intimacy takes time to establish. It involves trust and mutually feeling safe to be vulnerable, allowing healthy self-disclosure without fearing being betrayed or misunderstood. It involves respect, tolerance, and always sharing how you feel—no …

How to Get Over a Breakup

DonnaBarnes We Broke Up Leave a Comment

Human beings are creatures of habit. Addicts are beings of extreme habit. When two people break up, what they initially have to deal with is breaking the habit of interacting with each other. It’s a habit to call to share …

How to Recognize True Love

DonnaBarnes It's New Leave a Comment

Love can conquer all. It sounds so simple, right? Wrong! One of the hardest concepts to accept is that loving someone just isn’t enough. Too many men and women allow themselves to become doormats because they believe true love will …

When NOT to Text

DonnaBarnes We Broke Up Leave a Comment

Just because you have the ability to do something doesn’t mean you should do it. Just because you can send a message immediately doesn’t mean you deserve an immediate response. Electronic communication has changed relationships—and not for the better. For …

Energy is Contagious

DonnaBarnes It's New Leave a Comment

I believe a person’s happiness level dictates his or her degree of patience and compassion. Think about it. When you’re content and life is going well for you, aren’t you much more tolerant than when things aren’t going exactly as …

How to Be a Better Listener

How to Be a Better Listener

DonnaBarnes For Men, Help Us Last Leave a Comment

One of the most frustrating things to come up against in a discussion or disagreement is someone who frequently interrupts. Isn’t it annoying when you can’t finish speaking your thoughts, let alone complete a full sentence? It’s called conversation hijacking. It …